Mohinga, Samosa Salad and that black fish

We visited Yangon during a rather hot and humid season. Besides pagodas, railway trip, how can we miss out the cheap beer and street food?  First up is the national dish Mohinga!  What: Rice noodles, fish broth Where to find it: Every other stall by the street $$: 500 kyats or so (SGD$0.60) You can’t leave…

Staying in Yangon || 仰光住宿好介绍

选择去缅甸,因为现在不去,就不知道等何时。 旅行,总是需要一股冲动嘛。 可是去仰光,住哪里,吃什么?我起初还真的不知道。 To be honest, I had zero knowledge of Yangon / Myanmar besides the famous pagodas and Aung San Suu Kyi. It was a rather impromptu decision to make a weekend trip to Yangon, for a taste of the Burmese culture. 初到缅甸,我爱上了饭店里这道Shan Noodles Salad。虽然我不知道它是否道地,但是对于缅甸饮食非常陌生的我,它真的挺美味的。 Do remember to get your visa done. If you are…

搭仰光列车 体验慢生活 | A slow ride around Yangon

不期而遇的惊喜,令人回味无穷。 今天,同样不期而遇的惊喜,发生在火车站。 炎热的缅甸午后,汗流浃背的我们,在市集闲逛。决定到仰光度过周末,其实除了参观Shwedagon Pagoda,体验以下当地的生活与饮食文化,我们并没有特定行程。逛着、逛着,看到了铁轨。 It was a humid afternoon and we were spending time at the Bogyoke Market, with no agenda for the day till our late afternoon visit to Shwedagon Pagoda and a sumptuous seafood dinner at night. 顿时间,我们都成了小孩子,从天桥往下走,随着当地人的脚步,寻找列车站与售票处。 Spotting the railway turned us into kids instantly. We were happy to follow the locals,…

金碧辉煌Shwedagon Pagoda

Every Yangon visit should include a trip to this magnificent pagoda. Shwedagon Pagoda is the country’s most famous attraction, and the most sacred. Enter the Pagoda compound, take a long flight of steps up to the boundary where you are required to take off your shoes. Either leave it at the boundary where you are required…